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Creating Christmas

by Paden Hughes When Michael and I celebrated our first Christmas together with my family, he would describe it as if he had walked into the American version of My Big Fat Greek Wedding. He came from a family that was more quiet. The kind of family that brought a bundt cake to the party.

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A Handful of Reasons to Give Thanks This Year

by Paden Hughes How many times in your life have you gone through something HARD? Picture that time and think back to when you experienced that season of life. No matter how much someone wanted to relate to you, is it often that they ever truly could? I don’t know about you but my most

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Mental Health in 2020

by Paden Hughes Have you ever put on background music as you’re making dinner or any daily task, and for some reason, out of nowhere… BIG feelings surge through you, and you find yourself sobbing? I bet that’s NOT what you expected when you opened this email.   But that’s where we’re going because our country

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The Power of Starting

By Michael & Paden One of the hardest things in life is to start something brand new. Some of us are more likely to take life by the horns, jump into the deep end, and do the thing we’ve been talking about doing for a while. But most of us like to dip our toes

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Built to Do Hard Things

by Paden Hughes At the risk of bringing up ANYTHING negative in a time of life when we are all proactively straining to find the positive… let me share with you that this last week really got to me. Maybe it was the helplessness of hearing that our beautiful state was burning with over 500

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