Career / Internships
Invest in your talent, with a team you admire, in an organization that is positively impacting San Luis Obispo.
Don’t get sucked into a thankless job slaving away for an organization that doesn’t care about you or invest in you.
Take control of your future. You deserve to be valued, mentored and appreciated for your impact.
We promise to mentor you and invest in your growth as a professional and as a human being | We promise you will change lives through your work with us |
We promise to care about you as a person | We promise to make this role stand out for years to come as an incredible experience |
We promise to hold the bar high so only the highest caliber team members are hired here | We promise you will be prouder of who you are after working with us than before |
We promise you will be challenged and have to push through to realize your fullest potential |
Gymnazo is a special place where hundreds of people rediscover their God-given gift of movement, release themselves from pain and dysfunction, immerse themselves in beautiful community and accountability, and engage the tremendous staff in continued learning while sharing in the high-energy workouts that foster camaraderie and trust – in both your workout partner and your movement Coach. And quite frankly, as a former Coach, I learned more about movement and biomechanics from Gymnazo than I did in the classroom. Simply put, they are the best.
Gymnazo was the best first job I could have imagined. I grew so much and still am good friends with the team there! Always love visiting when I’m back in town and seeing all the members!