30 days for $99 - 3x/Week Small Group


There are two ways this could go… your choice.

So here’s the question: How do you stay accountable during a global pandemic when your world is upside down, your kids are around you 24/7 and you feel socially isolated and stressed? After surveying and calling over 50 of our members, we have learned first hand an honest account about just how hard 2020 has

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Control What You Can

You may not know this about us, but we both love movies about survival. Whether it’s about surviving war times, or surviving in the wild …. or even surviving Mars. We recently watched The Martian, and it was a powerful movie because it reminds you of just how strong the human spirit is. In short,

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Kegels: Not the Miracle Exercise We’ve Been Sold

by Kaleena Ruskin Doctors, OBGYNs, doulas, midwives, your mom, your girlfriends, literally everyone has been telling us to do Kegels to help out our pelvic floor. Do them in the shower, in the car, while you’re watching TV, while you’re having a conversation, while you’re running, do them all day every day to make sure

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COVID Half Time

By Paden Hughes If you’re a fan of sports movies, you know that the storyline tends to peak right around the halfway point in the critical game, when the coach steps into the locker room and gives a heartfelt pep talk to the team. Well… here we are. For all intents and purposes, I believe

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You matter… the power of showing up for yourself in times of uncertainty

by Michael Hughes & Paden Hughes Do you remember when everyone started to say that businesses needed websites, or email was a requirement at your job? Do you remember when everyone suddenly had their own mobile phones? We are living through a time in our lives where life as we knew is shifting. Not just

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