by Michael Hughes All right, true story. Several times a day, I catch myself scrolling social media, looking for some kind of dopamine hit. This is my way of getting a mental break from solving complex movement dysfunction or energizing a group of dedicated athletes. I mean, we ALL need to unplug. So sometimes I
by Paden Hughes Maybe it was getting snowed in, in Tahoe, over Christmas break. (117 inches in a couple days!!!) Maybe it’s the fact that for the first time since we’ve lived in San Luis Obispo, January actually felt like winter. Or maybe it’s because we are wishing it was summer… but we’ve been thinking a lot
By Paden Hughes I have a confession to make. Last fall, it took a health scare and my body breaking down to wake me up to the reality that all the stress from navigating the pandemic as a “non-essential” entrepreneur, with two kids under four, was TOO MUCH for my body. 2020 was the year
by Paden Hughes Hands down, I have to say that the best thing about being a parent is watching your child experience something exciting for the first time. It’s magical and it reminds you that life is full of magic. Sometimes it just takes childlike eyes to recognize that. Kennedy turned 4 last month, and
by Paden Hughes I came across this picture from a while ago and it really messed me up for a good day or two. Do you ever look at photos of yourself and cringe because you don’t like the way you look? Well, you’re not alone. But do you want to know what is worse
by Paden Hughes Have you ever put on background music as you’re making dinner or any daily task, and for some reason, out of nowhere… BIG feelings surge through you, and you find yourself sobbing? I bet that’s NOT what you expected when you opened this email. But that’s where we’re going because our country
by Paden Hughes At the risk of bringing up ANYTHING negative in a time of life when we are all proactively straining to find the positive… let me share with you that this last week really got to me. Maybe it was the helplessness of hearing that our beautiful state was burning with over 500
So here’s the question: How do you stay accountable during a global pandemic when your world is upside down, your kids are around you 24/7 and you feel socially isolated and stressed? After surveying and calling over 50 of our members, we have learned first hand an honest account about just how hard 2020 has
Kickstart your fitness journey with a FREE group session on your first visit! 💪✨ Just drop your info below to claim and book your first group session.