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Living Congruently

By Paden Hughes I have a confession to make. Last fall, it took a health scare and my body breaking down to wake me up to the reality that all the stress from navigating the pandemic as a “non-essential” entrepreneur, with two kids under four, was TOO MUCH for my body. 2020 was the year

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The Things About Being Pregnant NO ONE Wants to Tell You

by Kaleena Ruskin If you are a soon to be new mommy reading this blog. Congratulations! Motherhood is truly a treasure and quite the experience… At this point, it’s all very exciting and everyone’s telling you that you’re glowing, you feel like you’re glowing because you’re a walking miracle that’s creating life inside of your

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The Misconceptions About Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions

by Kaleena Ruskin I love peeing myself. I love that feeling of my organs feeling like they’re falling out. I love how my abs are separated and have created this cute little hole for my belly button. I love wearing a diaper as a grown woman.   Said NO ONE EVER!   No female in

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Modern Day Miracles

by Paden Hughes Hands down, I have to say that the best thing about being a parent is watching your child experience something exciting for the first time. It’s magical and it reminds you that life is full of magic. Sometimes it just takes childlike eyes to recognize that.  Kennedy turned 4 last month, and

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Choosing Health As The Goal

by Paden Hughes I came across this picture from a while ago and it really messed me up for a good day or two. Do you ever look at photos of yourself and cringe because you don’t like the way you look? Well, you’re not alone. But do you want to know what is worse

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