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October 3, 2016

Conquering the Holidays with Consistency

by Michael Hughes

It’s that time of year when days get darker earlier and life starts to feel like it’s in hyper drive. Almost like you’re in a Tesla and it goes into Ludicrous mode and you feel out of control. It’s the time of year right before the holidays when everyone is pushing to end the year strong, for sales and targets to be achieved, to survive the slew of holiday events and family gatherings and to start to dream about what next year holds. 

As we lead workouts and connect with clients during this time we start to notice faces who are missing. We even start to notice a reduction of frequency for those who may be coming less frequently. It’s classic “fall behavior.” We see it every year. The pressures of the end of the year heat up and it’s hard for many to feel they can continue to prioritize themselves and invest in their health. 

The holidays, love them as we do, tend to run us down more than we’d like to admit. With increased stress, days getting darker earlier, more financial strain and more drinking and dessert eating than any other time of the year, it’s not a recipe for vitality and health.  

What if this year you got ahead of the classic New Year’s Resolutions predicament and instead planned to be in a good enough place December 31st to just look at your lifestyle and find it to be in alignment with your personal values and life goals? 

What if we didn’t have to “fall off the bandwagon” during the holidays to give us a reason in January to jump back on? 

What if you make a commitment now to help you not only survive but thrive through the holidays? 

At the end of the day, at Gymnazo we seek to motivate and inspire you, mind, body and soul. We encourage you to set a positive intention and goal for how you want to finish 2016. We know you make an effort year round to invest in your wellbeing and health. Don’t stop now!  You truly can conquer the holiday season best when your habits promote stress relief and overall health!

If you feel you need a little nudge or accountability, any one of our team would be happy to hear what your goals and plans are and to learn how we may come alongside of you to support you!  It’s really why we’re here!

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