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January 1, 2016

Coach Recommendations: Top 6 Ways to Get Healthy in 2016

2015 was an amazing year for Gymnazo. Many members hit their personal goals and conquered new challenges. As we turn the corner leaving 2015 in our memories and look ahead to 2016, it’s a great time to consider new ways to challenge yourself in the new year. Even if you already have a gym family and work out consistently, here are our coaches’ top 6 things to consider doing to boost your health and fitness in 2016.

1. Join a Fitness Community that Makes Working Out Fun

We love encouraging people to join fitness communities and build camaraderie around their health and fitness. If you are looking for one to join and feel a sense of partnership and accountability, consider Gymnazo’s New Year Jump Start package for $99. This will give you 3 weeks to workout and try out Gymnazo and see if it is the healthy habit you want to continue throughout 2016.

2. Sign Up for a 14-day Detox

If the New Year is a re-start for your year, then a detox is a re-set for your body. We all know the number of events and parties in the holiday season can cause us all to feel more lethargic and sometimes more bloated than we’d like to admit. The amount of sugar and processed foods we consume over the holidays certainly slows down the body. But January is a great time of year to clean out your body and get back into a healthier lifestyle. If you’d like to join a group Detox to get support and recipes throughout a 14 day program, check out Gymnazo’s Be Well Detox starting January 11th. The cost is $289 and includes all the supplements, shakes and vitamins you need to support your body through the two weeks.

3. Commit to a Race Event in 2016 and Join a Team

One adventurous way to try something new is to sign up for a race, marathon or adventure with a team of other motivated people. This year the coaches at Gymnazo sat down and outlined the events we want to create teams around. If one or more of these events peak your interest you can bet it will help you look for higher performance in your workouts and keep it up until the event! Gymnazo is putting together teams and will encourage you through your journey to the finish line!

  • SLO Marathon or ½ Marathon – May 1, San Luis Obispo
  • Tough Mudder – June 11, Northstar Tahoe
  • SLO Triathlon – July 26, San Luis Obispo
  • City to the Sea – TBD, Shell Beach
  • SLO Grand Fondo Bike Race – October 29-30,  Avila Beach

4. Evaluate Your Movement Capabilities and What You Need to Work On

Every one of us walks into a gym with movement dysfunctions. These cause us pain in common areas like our knees or low back, but sometimes we aren’t aware of dysfunctions that could cause more harm in the future if not corrected. If you want an opportunity to analyze your body, learn your areas of greatest success and see where you can improve, check out our new 3D Movement Assessment. For $55 this month only, you can establish your goals, go through 3D movement analysis and learn what you can do to maximize your gift of movement.

5. Integrate Technology into Your Workouts to Track Your Success

One of the big trends right now in fitness is integrating wearable technology and metrics into your fitness regime. At Gymnazo we are big fans of heart rate monitoring. We know studies show that if you can maintain your max heart rate at a certain percentage for more than 30 minutes you jumpstart your metabolism for the next 24-48 hours. We also know that heart rate monitoring individualizes your workout and gives the coach insight into how hard you are working. At Gymnazo we use MYZONE and encourage all our members to buy or rent a belt to monitor their calories burned, max heart rate and actual heart rate throughout their workouts.

6. Discover Which Foods Make You Sick or Overweight

It’s disheartening when you workout consistently, try to eat a clean diet and still feel like you need to lose weight and feel good again. Our nutritionist Lou is excited about a new product we are carrying in 2016 called the Pinner Test. It’s a food intolerance test that takes your blood sample and ships it to a lab for a report on intolerances for 200 food items. This test has reached more than 500 million clients and is used by nutritionists to help outline a tailored nutrition plan for their clients. It is $390 at Gymnazo and that includes a sit down consultation with Lou to discuss the results and what that means for your ongoing diet.

2016 is going to be a great year and we are excited to partner with all our members to help them hit their goals. Whether your goals are to lose more weight, or finish a race you never thought you could, we want to partner with you and make your goals our mission!
All our best in 2016!  Wish we could be with you all to celebrate together!

Gymnazo Coaches

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