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December 19, 2019

Setting Goals

by Michael Hughes

I can’t believe we are closing the books in a couple weeks on an entire decade! It’s a wild thought to look back and realize that this has been the most transformational decade I’ve experienced. But thinking back to who I was 10 years ago is really powerful. To put it into perspective:

– 10 years ago, I was considering taking the Group Circuit Project and creating an actual fitness business and brand. I didn’t have a name or anything. Just a glimmer of an idea.

– 10 years ago, I was looking for cool workout inspiration from YouTube, and I had no clear standards or methodology to follow.

– 10 years ago, I was single and still graciously accepting blind dates put together by my supportive clients.

– 10 years ago, my time was 100% my own and I didn’t have any responsibilities when I got home from work. No wife. No kids.

– 10 years ago, I sat down with my mentor and actually penned goals I wanted to achieve with my life. Professional ones and personal ones.

When I think back on that, I am so thankful for all that the last decade has brought. A business. A team. A wife. A business partner. A daughter. A son.

Most of what is listed above is what I articulated as goals to accomplish in that meeting with my mentor, one decade ago. Yes, curveballs come your way in life and I have certainly had some experiences and lessons I would not have been able to foresee. But for the most part, I anticipated and dreamed about the life I now have.

As we close the books on 2010-2019, and look ahead at the new decade, I’d love to encourage us all to think about what our lives will look like in 10 years. What dreams will be birthed, refined and launched? What relationships will we have, and how will they deepen and shift? What personal growth will we experience, and will we love that person we’ve become more?

I’m a big believer in the power of voicing goals and telling someone about it, so I’m going to do something I’ve never done before. What is your goal for the next decade? Or even the next year? Goals are powerful and simply naming them is one thing, but knowing that someone is going to remember and ask you about it will fire you up even more! I’d like to offer my support to you in 2020. You don’t have to be a Gymnazo member or have to join. But expect me to cheer for you and reach out to you in March to help you feel like someone is in your corner, rooting for you!

May the next decade be one of immense growth, joy and happiness.

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